Thursday, May 8, 2008

You are always on my mind…

I think about you…yes I do…your thoughts are always on my mind…when I am all alone…doing nothing...I think about you...and I find u so close that I can smell your scent…I close my eyes and you come next to me...we talk…for hours and always bring a smile to my lips...all my worries fade away…and life is beautiful again…I think about you…often…when I am busy…doing a thousand things…tensed, stresses, worked out…your presence in my thoughts sooth me...i feel relaxed...and I am myself again…your thoughts keep me company in those lonely nights when sleep betrays me…I dream of times when we will be together…you make me blush...and I shy away!...I am here without you...and I know you are somewhere without me too…but we will meet...we will meet soon…and when you will come and hold my hand…I will know that its always been you whom I have dreamt about…we will meet soon...yes we will…for its you, whose always on my mind!


Anonymous said...

ohhhh mmaaaa goosssshhh!!...prittyy!! :D!!

AkiE said...

flattering that you keep writing about me all the time...
dont worry darling.. il com back as soon as i dump the other one ;-p


Anonymous said...

dats me,dats me n dat can only be me baby!!!

shona di,muah

AkiE said...

no no!!
Its all about me... she called me up before writing it...
And she said--->darling..
do comment on it cause im writing my BUTT out here!

mak said...

a couple of years back, i wouldve said "hopeless lover" on reading this..
but now, all i can say is that...
i know what ure talking about..
carry on writing mate..

KaNwaR said...
