Monday, December 15, 2014

On spirituality and overcoming fears

Off late, spirituality has found a way in my life. And for me, it’s an inward journey more than anything else. It started with asking myself questions and digging deep within to find the answers.

Though this journey is not as difficult as it sounds, it does take time and energy to accept your flaws in the first place, and then begin the digging. But yes, first step is always the most difficult.

Thanks to this journey and all this self digging, I’ve been actively trying to find answers to my biggest fears. I am insanely scared of height. And water.

I have no idea where these fears come from. And I don’t know how to let them go. The only thing I know is that I won’t simply accept and ‘live’ with these fears. I want to overcome them. Primarily, because they don’t make any sense, and also because they are an unnecessary hurdle to a world of adventures waiting for me.

And just as sneakily I inched my way towards the world of spiritually, I sneakily inched towards overcoming these fears. But not without the help of some beautiful individuals.

A couple of days ago, I chanced upon Breakfree Journey’s weekend plans of watching the Germinid Meteor Shower at a tucked away village called Jawhar. An exciting itinerary – including exploring lakes, a fort, a secret waterfall and interacting with the locals, made things even more interesting. So my bestie and I were all up and ready. The meteor shower experience deserves a whole post to itself but what was really unexpected was the adventure at the waterfall.

We were told beforehand that it will not be an easy ride. And had I known how bumpy it would be, I would have thought not twice but 200 times before going ahead. Steep descent, loose pebbles and this overpowering phobia, made things so bad for me that I was shivering with fear all throughout. I really was shitting bricks, and to be honest, I almost gave up. Almost.

But I didn’t. And yes, I did have help. Thank you, Rushikesh. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me. Really, thanks a bunch.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

The unsettling feeling

There is so much bubbling inside me that it gets hard to put it down in a proper coherent manner.

Most of the times I think my troubles come from the fact that my head is constantly whirling. Thoughts never leave me and now they have crept in to my sleep as well. I cannot remember the last time I slept at a decent hour and did not wake up thinking.

This mediocrity of life is driving me crazy. It’s better to lose oneself in oblivion of all that life has to offer. Live life in a routine, do nothing out of the ordinary. Earn money. Spend money. Sleep, repeat.

Thanks to all this free time that I have had and some peculiar people that I happened to cross paths with, my bubble has been broken. My silly expectations from life have resurrected.

This is not who I want to be. This is not what I want to do. This banal existence and dumbness of senses is eroding me from inside.

I have been conditioned so perfectly that I know this is what I ought to do. The brain once again takes over the mind. And the questions have left unanswered, shoved under the carpet.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pensive thoughts

"The world is full of chaos and the only mistake we make is get too attached to it."

 ~Yours truly.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The 90's kid

Today has been one of those random days which started with me tripping on this.

And what followed was complete mayhem. I indulged into a full-on trashy 90s music spree until I was showered with swear words and cold stares. Well, that really didn't stop me considering I played this song on loop and my boss called the IT department so that they can take away my speakers.

Anyways, what I realized today is that no matter how much we call the 90's music trashy, IT WAS RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME!

I mean, come on, imagine not giggle-grooving to Baby got back ! or Ice Ice Baby.

Lets not get into this cuz I can tell you a billion 90's songs that I absolutely adore.

Till then, I'm Gettin' Jiggy Wit It!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


A fine summer day,
to hold your hand and walk the beach.
To lose ourself
in easy conversions and comfortable silences.

A fine summer day,
to be by myself.
remember you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


"No, there is no such thing as love. Just attachment. And sometimes lust"

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Let's rediscover the world we lost,
of fairies, magic portions and sparkling lights,
where you were by my side
with a bottle of wine and a blanket of sweet oblivion.

The times of hopeless reveries
of stars gracing the days
and sunshine lighting up the night sky.

Where you slay the demons,
the ones hiding beneath my bed
and the ones troubling my thoughts.

Just for a fraction,
let's rediscover the world we lost,
of fairies, magic portions and sparkling lights,
As you and I let loose in an embrace
of the final goodbye.