Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I went through the tunnel,

Or maybe a huge pipe,

I saw the white light,

My desire fulfilled!

They say I was hallucinating,

The great psychedelic experience,

Smooth touch, eased mind, racing heart.

I saw the unicorn too,

I swear I did!

Whit prudent, majestic, divine,

He leaped forward, as if to invite me.

I thought I had attained nirvana.

I wanted to stretch out and fly with him,

That’s when, the pain took over,

The heaven slipped away...

They say I woke up three days later,

In the ICU, almost dead,

But then,

That’s what “they” say...


Abhishek Gurbani said...

its awesome!

KaNwaR said...

i wonder where THAT came from....hmmmm! **wonders**