Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to stop your yelling mind from talking to you.

I checked my phone for the 56th time. No reply back. I don't even expect it you know, I know it will not come. But still.

Snap out. NOW. isn't it enough for you to feel all bad and sad and mad and all the kind of shit?! does he even care?! does he?!

Well, I am sure he does...

OK, if he does, what the f is he doing about it? what? WHAT!


sorry, did you say something? 'cuz all i heard is the god damn noisy FAN!

Amm, listen, i don't need all this right now. Please. Just like go away or something.

And leave you sorry soul to feel all the more sorry for yourself? ha? guess what? Not happening! NA AH!

*sigh* ... Amm, How 'bout some South Park?

Sounds good to me! VOOHOO!